Swiss Medica St. Gallen main office


Alongside Swiss Medica clinics in Russia and Moscow, Swiss Medica main office is located in St Gallen, Switzerland, where patient's general health condition and viability for the treatment is assessed. After diagnostics, complete individualized treatment plan is created by our medical team and the patient is directed to Moscow or Moscow for the planned treatment procedure.

1. Consultations
2. Diagnostics
3. Assessments
4. Treatment Plan

Address: St. Galler strasse, 23/25, 9403 Goldach, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Phone: +41-43-5085525

You can visit our office every working day from 8 am to 17 pm. (require pre-registration)

Camera per le consultazioni Goldach, Dufourstrasse, 1

alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative

and our doctors recommend you individual treatment program
and offer the best stem cells

Informazioni sulla SM

Cellule che usiamo

Le più nuove testimonianze

    treatment results after 11 days

La nostra clinica nei media

    swiss medica in news

Trattamento con cellule staminali

Studi di caso sulla SM

Ricerche sulla SM

La ricerca sulle cellule staminali

L’attrezzature mediche avanzate presso la Sclerosi Multipla clinica
